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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Quinten Soetens and Serge Demeyer and Andy Zaidman},
  booktitle =     {Proceedings {CSMR}'2013 (17th European Conference on
                   Software Maintenance and Reengineering)},
  note =          {Acceptance ratio: 31/81 = 38.3\%},
  pages =         {101-110},
  title =         {Change-Based Test Selection in the Presence of
                   Developer Tests},
  year =          {2013},
  abstract =      {Regression test selection (i.e., selecting a subset
                   of a given regression test suite) is a problem that
                   has been studied intensely over the last decade.
                   However, with the increasing popularity of developer
                   tests as the driver of the test process, more
                   fine-grained solutions are in order. In this paper we
                   investigate how method-level changes in the base-code
                   can serve as a reliable indicator for identifying
                   which tests need to be rerun. We validate the
                   approach on two cases - PMD and Cruise Control -
                   using mutation testing as a means to compare the
                   selected subset against a "retest all" approach. Our
                   results show that we are able to reach a sizable
                   reduction of the complete test suite, yet with a
                   comparable number of mutants killed by the reduced
                   test suite.},
  annote =        {internationalconference},
  doi =           {10.1109/CSMR.2013.20},
  issn =          {1534-5351},

Serge Demeyer | Publications | E-mail Feedback